Starting Projects & Finishing What You Start

The execution of your creative idea can a difficult part of the creative process, but if you’re prepared, it can be a little easier. Think of all of your notes and sketches concerning your creative idea as a roadmap to where you’re going…now it’s just a matter of starting the journey and getting to your destination. Here are some tips to help you along the way:

1. Keep your vision/goals in front of you. Write down your goals on a large posterboard and put it in a prominent place in your creative work space. This will help remind you and keep you focused.

2. Set Completion Dates. It’s important to have an idea of how long you want to spend on a project, but make sure that your timeline is reasonable. If you go beyond your deadline, that’s ok...the main thing is that you finished what you started.

3. Accountability Partners. Tell one or two people what your plans are and ask them to follow up with you about your project(s) periodically.

4. Prioritize your creative side and clear your schedule temporarily. Take a sabbatical from the TV, bowling league, book club, etc. and devote that time to your project. You can set up a temporary work schedule to help you meet your goals.

5. Plan to reward yourself for a job well done. This can be a night out, small shopping spree, ice cream, etc. after you have completed your project.

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