Giclee Fine Art Prints/Reproductions

Esteemed by artists and fine art collectors alike for their exquisite quality and accurate reproduction of the original artwork, giclees (zhee-clays) are the hottest contemporary art medium on the market today.  I have partnered with American Litho Color, an industry leader in giclee printing, to publish museum quality print editions that are exact replicas of the original by using the most advanced technology available. Giclees are considered to be the next best thing to owning the actual original piece of art and can be found in high profile museums, such as the New York Metropolitan Museum and Museum of Modern Art.
Facts about Giclee prints/reproductions:
  • Giclee prints are printed on canvas and are archival for 150 years.
  • Giclee prints are coated with a laminate that offers UV protection and scratch resistance.
  • Giclee prints have a published limited edition size.
  • Each giclee print is signed, numbered, and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity & artist resume/bio.
  • Museum Quality Giclees are considered to be fine art investments as they too can increase in value over time like the original.
  • Giclee prints are available in a variety of sizes to choose from and make art affordable for every budget.


Are all Giclee Prints Available On The Market The Same?

Not all giclees are created equally.  Before teaming up with American Litho Color, I visited numerous shops online and in malls that had very cheap "giclees" available for sale to the public.  I thought, "This is too good to be true." And it was.  When I started my research on giclees, I learned that you essentially get what you pay for.  For those that want to cut costs, they use a cheap printer and get cheap prints that are archival 5-10 years.  This means that they will not hold up over time and will fade considerably.  I also discovered that the low prices were due to the poor quality inks and non-archival substrates (canvas or paper) that the printers were using, not to mention that most of them don't clear coat for UV protection and scratch resistance.

Everyone that sees the prints that American Litho Color produces for me are amazed by the faithfulness to the original painting, the color intensity/vibrancy, and image clarity.  All of those characteristics combined with the archival materials that American Litho utilizes gives me full confidence that my patrons will be able to enjoy their giclees for many years to come and hand them down to future generations.   

Are your giclee prints stretched on a frame?

As an Artrepreneur, my goal is to offer excellent quality artwork at reasonable prices. Being cost effective allows me to pass savings on to my patrons and collectors. Two major decisions that were made to keep giclee prices lower involve shipping and inventory.

Shipping prices skyrocket when the prints are stretched on a frame. For this reason, my giclee prints do not come stretched on stretcher bars but are rolled up and put in a shipping tube and sent via UPS with all of their documentation.  (Shipping a framed work of art can drive up the costs substantially, because of the special packing materials and the additional insurance needed for shipping.)

Another way for me to keep costs down is to only have prints made once they are purchased. This eliminates inventory and storage fees that would have been factored into the sales price. American Litho Color can have a print ready within 2-5 business days after I place the order. Once the print is ready, I sign and number the print, prepare all of the documentation and send it out.

When can I expect to receive my print?

Please allow 9-10 business days for delivery.


  1. Wow Michelle! I am so proud of you! Way to start off the new year! Looking forward to seeing more of your work. Surrealism is one of my most favorite types of art!

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